On January 23, 2025, the Voluntown Board of Education made the following motion:

MOTION # 3 (1/23/25) was made (Grant/Thompson) to appoint every Member of the Board of Education as the Superintendent Search Committee, whose sole purpose is to recommend to the appointing agency a candidate, or candidates, for an executive-level employment position. Meetings of this committee will not be public and are exempt from FOIA open meetings, notices, and posting requirements to protect the privacy of candidates throughout the selection process. The members of this committee will be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement; all in favor; motion passes.

Superintendent Search Committee Members:
Kate Beauparlant (Chairperson and Point of Contact) 
Catherine Grant
Arikka Kalwara
Valerie Muschiano
Sarah Thompson
Meagan Wicks
Christopher Wilson

The Voluntown Board of Education invites members of the school and broader community to participate in the search process for a new Superintendent of Schools.

Mary Broderick, a consultant working with the Voluntown Superintendent Search Committee, will conduct focus groups and a survey in early-to mid-February. The purpose is to gauge the community’s perspectives on the qualities, experiences, and characteristics desired in a new superintendent. We encourage teachers, administrators, staff, parents, town officials, community organization representatives, and community members to participate.

Please click on this link  >>  Voluntown Invitation (1).pdf  <<  to access an anonymous survey, as well as connect with the focus group via a zoom meeting. 

The anonymous survey will be available at this site until February 14th.

Feedback from the survey and focus group data will be incorporated into a leadership profile that will guide the Voluntown Board of Education in identifying high-quality candidates who best fit the needs of the Voluntown School District. "We encourage the community to be a part of this important process and look forward to incorporating the results of your participation into the Board's work,” said Kate Beauparlant, Chair of the Voluntown Board of Education.

Voluntown Invitation (1).pdf



VES Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity Statements.pdf

Superintendent Search Qualifications

Superintendent Application - Voluntown Board of Education